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Spring Boot Configuration Properties Support

A NetBeans plugin offering autocomplete support for spring boot configuration properties

This modules brings Spring Boot configuration properties support in NetBeans in a similar manner as it’s done in STS:

NetBeans - Spring Boot Configuration Properties Support

STS - Spring Boot Configuration Properties Support

How it works

This plugins uses spring-boot-configuration-processor (read more here). When this processor is added in the compilation classpath it adds a META-INF/services/javax.annotation.processing.Processor which reads @ConfigurationProperties annotated classes and creates a META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json file with entries describing configuration properties (name, type, description etc).

Now the metadata are generated but because this is not a standard format/schema for properties files, a plugin reading those metadata is required for an IDE. For NetBeans’ code completion API we have to read those metadata and add a specific provider of autocompletion items to the IDE. This is what this plugin does for text/x-properties files and if spring-boot is on the classpath.